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Rezultatai 41 - 53 iš apie 53
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Originalo kalba
Anglų This place seems like a free port. There is...
This place seems like a free port. There is activity here. Everybody is trying to sell and go back to their homes. Their faces looks unhappy and even stressed. The Caucasians I just visited at Adyghea were very relaxed in North and it is just the opposite here. Armenians leads the business here in hard currency and they are the shop owners.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Serbest ticaret bölgesi...
Originalo kalba
Portugalų Conversa no messenger
Olá, tudo bem, como estás? estás na faculdade? Tens de aprender ingles para podermos falar mais. Recebeste as fotografias da viagem? Até amanhã.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Selam,herÅŸey iyi,sen nasılsın?
Originalo kalba
Rusų Ð’ сентяабре 1977 г. я получил из Абхазии...
В сентяабре 1977 г. я получил из Абхазии фотографию, а в феврале 1978 года гипсовый слепок с обломка известняковой литы с фрагментом надписи ашуйского(древнего абхазо=абазино=убыхского) письма.

Pabaigti vertimai
Anglų In September 1977 I received
Originalo kalba
Anglų Dear Osman How is it going? what are you...
Dear Osman

How is it going? what are you doing without ayÅŸe? Did you go to your grandma if your answer is no,you have to go dont forget it?

Have a nice day...

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Sevgili Osman,
Originalo kalba
Italų Ciao giulia sto imparando la tua lingua
Ciao giulia sto imparando la tua lingua

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Merhaba Julia, senin dilini öğreniyorum.
Originalo kalba
Rusų Oбломок был извлечен на н.эшерско гoродище...
Oбломок был извлечен на н.эшерско гoродище археологом Г.К Шамба из фундамента эллинистического строения I в. до н.э. плита была использована вторично. надпись на ней относится, как я полагаю к III-II вв-до н. э. см. табл. XX, рис. 1-2.
Находка хранится в отделе археологии Абхазкого ИЯЛИ в г. Акуа(Сухум).
Фрагмент ндписи представлен двумя заключитель ными строками текста, отделенными одна от другой горизонтальной чертой.Ширина плоскости, предназначенной для надписи, равна 15,5 см. Высота сохранившейся части этой плоскости -12 см. Во фрагмете надписи, 12 силлабов из которых 9 оказываются с незначительными отклонениями от уже известных.Новыми являются "ы" и "ф".силлаб ы повторен дважды.Читается надпись справа налево.Каково было ее назначение в целом-неизвесто.

Pabaigti vertimai
Anglų The piece was extracted
Originalo kalba
Anglų Firstly SQL patches have been notoriously...
Firstly, SQL patches have been notoriously difficult to install, so I would argue that despite the availability of a patch, its lack of installation was not entirely the user's fault. Further, MSDE inclusion in 3rd party software had never been tracked by Microsoft. This resulted in many people being vulnerable to Slammer who never knew they needed a patch.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Öncelikle, SQL yamalarının kurulması inanılmaz zordu...
Originalo kalba
Anglų What is modernity? What does this word that plays...
What is modernity? What does this word that plays such a crucial role in theoretical discourse actually mean?

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Nedir çaÄŸdaÅŸlık?
Originalo kalba
Rusų фрагмент надписи с городища Нижняя Эшера...
фрагмент надписи с городища Нижняя Эшера Сухумского района.(III-II вв. до н.э.)

Pabaigti vertimai
Anglų fragment of an engraving with the little town of Nizhnyaya Eshera
Originalo kalba
Anglų It was known to the ancient Egyptians as Keben...
It was known to the ancient Egyptians as Keben and Kepen (probably pronounced */g-b-l/). The Greeks apparently called it Byblos because it was through Gebal that bublos (βύβλος ["Egyptian papyrus"]) was imported into Greece. Although it is still referred to as Byblos by scholars, the city is now known by the Arabic name Jubayl or Jbeil (جبيل), a direct descendant of the Canaanite name.

Byblos is located on the Mediterranean coast of present-day Lebanon, about 42 kilometers north of Beirut.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų Eski Mısırlıların Keben ve Kepen ...
Originalo kalba
Anglų My mother Shurdulava K.A. lives in the village of...
My mother Shurdulava K.A. lives in the village of Kindgi. She is 78. In September 1992 she was at home. Eight Georgian guardsmen surrounded her house one day and tried to get into it through the window. My mother-in-law opened the door and let them in. They searched the house, took everything they liked in it, killed a bull and took a goat for their chief. Then they started torturing the old woman: they beat her, hit her with a gun, fired near her and made her run to and fro.

Pabaigti vertimai
Turkų 78 yaşındaki annem K.A Åžurdulava Kindgi köyünde yaşıyor
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